Singles' Day and promotions not to be missed!

Festa dei Single e promozioni da non perdere!

November 11th is known around the world as "Singles Day" , a day dedicated to all those who are proud to be single and who wish to celebrate their independence and freedom. But where does this tradition come from and how was it born?

11/11: What Are Its Origins

11/11, with its four '1's, symbolizes four lonely individuals , and for this reason it was chosen as the day to celebrate singleness. It all began in the 90s in China, precisely in the classrooms of Nanjing University . A group of students decided to create a day in contrast to Valentine's Day, dedicated to those who were alone. The chosen date, 11/11, is not random: the four '1's symbolize four lonely individuals, in perfect line with the spirit of the day.

The holiday began as a semi-joking celebration of singleness, but over time it acquired a deeper connotation. It became an opportunity for single people to go out with friends, organize parties and, above all, shop. The consumerist nature of Singles Day grew as e-commerce began to gain popularity in China.

In 2009, Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, saw a great opportunity in this celebration and decided to turn it into an online shopping event. They offered massive discounts on a wide range of products, and the result was an extraordinary success. Every year since then, 11/11 has seen increasingly higher sales volumes, even surpassing Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday combined.

From China to America: The Rise of a Phenomenon

Alibaba's gigantic success in 2009, when it turned Singles Day into an online shopping event, marked the beginning of its international rise . Alibaba's record sales have piqued interest from other e-commerce giants and big brands looking to expand their presence in China. But it wasn't just about entering the Chinese market. There was an opportunity to take Singles Day outside of China's borders.

In 2013, Alibaba opened AliExpress, an e-commerce platform aimed at international consumers. This allowed consumers around the world, including those in America, to participate in Singles Day and benefit from the same offers and discounts available in China. The effect was immediate: sales skyrocketed and Single Day became an eagerly awaited event even outside China.

Some Big Brands that followed Alibaba's example in 11/11

  1. Amazon and Singles Day : In an attempt to compete with Alibaba, Amazon launched its promotions for 11/11, offering discounts similar to those of Prime Day. Although Singles Day has not yet reached the levels of Black Friday or of Cyber ​​Monday in America, there is no doubt that it is gaining ground year after year.

  2. Macy's and Collaboration with Alibaba : In 2015, retail giant Macy's partnered with Alibaba to sell its products on the Tmall platform during Singles Day. This move gave Macy's access to millions of Chinese consumers and he also introduced the lore of 11/11 to his American audience.

  3. Expanding into Europe : Big chains like ASOS and Zalando have started offering Singles Day discounts, trying to replicate Alibaba's success. These promotions have been particularly popular among young European consumers, who are always looking for good deals online.

  4. Adoption in Australia : Large Australian retailers such as David Jones and Myer have also joined the Singles Day fever, offering significant discounts and special promotions on 11/11.

BITTI Milano: The promotions not to be missed for Single DAY!

On Singles Day, it's important to remember that being single doesn't mean being alone. It is a time to recognize and celebrate your individuality, strength and freedom. And this is where BITTI Milano comes in. BITTI jewels are not just fashion accessories, but true symbols of self-esteem and self-expression. Each piece is designed with those who want to express their uniqueness and freedom in mind, regardless of marital status.

Celebrate 11/11 with a BITTI Jewel

Singles' Day is the perfect opportunity to spoil yourself and treat yourself to something special. Whether you are single by choice or simply waiting for the right person, you deserve a special gift on this day. And what better way to celebrate yourself than with a BITTI jewel? Elegant, refined and unique, just like you.

Model wearing BITTI MILANO jewel Livia Oro necklace

Additionally, in honor of Singles' Day, BITTI Milano is offering a special 15% discount on all its jewelry. It's the perfect time to choose that piece you've always wanted or to discover the new collections available on

Use the code SINGLE15 at checkout and you'll immediately get a 15% discount on the entire collection. Take advantage of it, promo valid from 6th to 11th November.

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